I have created this portfolio in Hugo

I have been coding since my parents bought me my first MSX when I was 8 years old.

I graduated at Computer Science School of Barcelona in 2011.

I am looking for my next challange.

My Process

Full Process Design

Let's talk

I collaborate with stakeholders all the time. I have been always working in some relatively small offices, so I always had the whole picture of the problem to solve. I know how to think and what to ask to question user requirements to reach our goal: guess how will be like our final product.

Let's investigate

Which techonolgy is suitable for the problem that is need to be solve? There is always a tool that matches better than other to every single challange. Not knowing a tool or technology has never been an issue to me, but the contrary, an opportunity to learn something new. For example, this portfolio is coded in Hugo, a static web generator I had never used before.


I think that design is the 80% of software development. Developers need to write and think and then think again before smashing any single key. User cases stories, mockups, documents, meetings..we really need to talk about the design of solution before sarting to code a single line


When I write code I have two main things in mind: it has to been understood by other developers and it has to have quality enough from the beggining. My resources to improve my code have been my colleagues, who helped me to write good software along all my life, by constructive criticism. Others resources that have helped me to imrpove my code is some computer literature I simply adore


I learn a lot by reading in all the well-known IT forums. If I ask something I really want it to be understood, so I write as much information is possible. Here is an example. On the other hand, If a can bring something back to the community I do it, for example, by uploading a patch of a Drupal module or trying to help about a question related to Bootstrap.


I think that professional training is crucial to have a strong background in various subjects. I am a Computser Science graduated. Besides, I do not hesitate about joining any paid or free course.

Case Studies

Selected Works

Tramit Web

Mobile first design

Tramit is a static website made for an important financial conslting agency located in Girona, Spain.

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Ca la Pepa

Stunning visual design

Stunning design was keep in mind in order to attract customers to try this new restaurant in very touristic and competitive area.

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Akvin Tourism

Website configuration and SEO

Akvin Tourism is the brand Web site of the most innovative agency in Aurangabad, India.

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Galia GIS

Desktop App

Galia is part from a larger project for AGBAR (Aguas de Barcelona) which is the main authority in water treatment in Barcelona.

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