Akvin Tourism

Website configuration and SEO

This Website was build to promote all the services of Akvin Tourism agency.

Akash Dume
Oscar Miras

Website manager

I worked along with Akash to achieve some Website requirements.

"While I took care of Web design and professional photography, Oscar worked with us to achieve everything else in the backend. He managed to configure our site in our hosting solution to use SSL, and made our Website visible to the world thanks to its knowledge in SEO. Morever, he take care of some plugins configuration in Wordpress and helped us to solve some terrible problems with character codification. I can't recommend Oscar enough due its versatility"

Akash Dume

CEO, Akvin Tourism

Case Studies

Selected Works

Tramit Web

Mobile first design

Tramit is a static website made for an important financial conslting agency located in Girona, Spain.

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Ca la Pepa

Stunning visual design

Stunning design was keep in mind in order to attract customers to try this new restaurant in very touristic and competitive area.

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Akvin Tourism

Website configuration and SEO

Akvin Tourism is the brand Web site of the most innovative agency in Aurangabad, India.

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Galia GIS

Desktop App

Galia is part from a larger project for AGBAR (Aguas de Barcelona) which is the main authority in water treatment in Barcelona.

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