Galia: A GIS Destkop Application

Desktop App

Galia is a desktop application running on several Toughbooks. These were used by sewering workers in order to keep track of cleaning progress of the sewer system and its maintenance.

Oscar Miras
Victor Prades
Albert Funollet

Project Manager
Product Owner

My team worked along with Aqualogy development team to build up a GIS system for cleaning the sewer system.

The Client

Agbar is the major authority in water management in Barcelona. It was needed a system to clean up the sewer system. I had previous experience for building them a working prototype and now they wanted to bring this system to the next level: a separate desktop application which was running on a Toughbook that must get synchronized with a Web Application.

The Challange

One of the most challenging aspects of this project was synchronization. There are some areas in Spain where the Internet connection was not guaranteed. Thus, we needed a way to store the gathered data while devices were offline and send it to a server each time the connection was restored.

Operator wroking inside a sewer system


Case Studies

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Galia GIS

Desktop App

Galia is part from a larger project for AGBAR (Aguas de Barcelona) which is the main authority in water treatment in Barcelona.

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