Tramit: A Static Financial Website

Mobile first design

Tramit is a static website that holds all the information of the company Tramit Economistes S.L. The main information areas are: Home, Work Areas, Team, History and Contact.

Oscar Miras
Lara Berguio

Full website development
Profesional photography

I designed a full website rebuild of an important financial consulting company located in Girona.

"Oscar designed everything for our new website from the ground up. I really liked the way he takes care of every single part of the full development process. I had an exact idea of how my website wanted to look like, and Oscar was able to keep my original design in mind while making the website for the best UX experience"

Marina Recio YaƱez

CEO, Tramit Economistes

The Client

Tramit Economistes is the most important financial consulting company located in Sant Feliu de Guixols, Girona. It manages the financial services of more than 30 venues in the area. Most of these venues work in tourism services, such as restaurants or pubs.


Tramit Economistes had a website, build in the late 2008 in Joomla. Mobile first design was just starting to show up 10 years ago, as we can realise regarding the aspect of the former website.

Former Tramit Economistes website

Despite of the fact it was clearly not a mobile first design, the website was not much pretty itself. The black area around the blue square is exactly how it looks in the brwoser, as you can check in their former website

The Challange

The CEO of the company wanted to create a new modern Website, mobile first design, in order to attract new potential clients to use their financial services. Because it is a good company, they never had to rely on Internet in order to keep their clients. But from time to time, others companies and agents were asking about their Website to locate them. Showing this ugly and non functional Website in 2018 was not very pleasant to the current CEO, so a full rebuild of the website was requested.

The Google Maps Issue

Apart from the main challange, the Website was not properly placed in Google Maps. Neither the location or the opening hours were right. And let’s be honest: Some people will not even bother to enter to website if they can find a telephone number shown in Google Results when they look for “Financial Services in Sant Feliu de Guixols”


Sant Feliu de Guixols in Girona is a relative small area in Catalonia, Spain. Despite of the fact that Tramit Economistes is a valuable and strong financial company, the competition is strong. Alltough the company shoed up in the first page of Google Search Results, we were not in the top positions. We wanted to fix that.

Web Design

As a developer, I always have worked mainly as a backender. Certanly, I had to deal with some HTML/CSS development in many jobs, as well working along with Web Designers and UX experts. I had the vocabulary, but not the technique to build a Website, visually attractive and UX efficient. I did not hesitate to join some courses at Udemy in order to improve my knowledge in these areas. I finished 2 main courses and one lecture:

Case Studies

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